
Performance and achievements


At Swayneville, we delight in celebrating a job well done!  Whether it be sporting, academic or behavioural achievements we thoroughly enjoy recognising it by:

Class Negotiated Rewards:  As devised and run by the teacher to reinforce class based rules and expectations.  eg. stickers, free time, computer time, night off homework etc.
Public Recognition: Each week teachers are requested to acknowledge on parade (with a certificate) the work of individual students / groups of students who upheld one or more aspects of the school behavioural expectations.  These students will also have their name published in the school newsletter.
Gotchas:  When a student is ‘caught’ doing the correct behaviour within the classroom, the teacher is encouraged to reward the correct behaviour through the awarding of a Gotcha! Gotchas are recorded and counted weekly.  The class that has the highest WEEKLY tally wins the Queen Bee Award. When individuals reach 50 Gotchas, the teaching team are asked to award the student with a certificate.
Bee Awards:  When a student is ‘caught’ doing the correct behaviour within the playground, the teacher or teacher aide on duty is encouraged to reward the behaviour through the awarding of a ‘BEE’ stamp on the back of the hand.  Teachers are to record the ‘BEE’ stamp awarding, on a class checklist.  This can be used to inform reporting for the “Bee-ing Beaut” House Award. Teachers can certify the number of bee stamps awarded.
Rewards Days:  Rewards Day are held on the last day of the school term.  They are fun, curriculum based activities that are distinctly different to the regular classroom activities. They are a celebration for the hard work and good behaviour exhibited throughout the term.
100% Attendance: This achievement is recognised each term for any student who has managed to achieve this!
Sporting Awards: All students participate in the swimming and athletics carnivals.  All participants are recognised, and place getters are acknowledged on the day, as are age champions.  During the athletics carnival the Best and Fairest Award is presented to a student who has shown sportsmanship and commitment to participation.  Students who achieve at school level, are then invited to district and then regional level.
Presentation Night, occuring during the last week of the school year  is the focus of delivering the academic awards.  At this event, the following awards are given based on a full school year’s achievements (report card). 

A student can only be award one of the following:

Gold Awards - to any student who has achieved 80% at an A standard, and no lower than a C, across both semesters.

Silver Awards- to any student who has achieved 80% at A or B standard, and no lower than a C, across both semesters.

Work Ethic Award- to any student who has achieved 80% at an A standard, and no lower than a C for Effort, across both semesters.

Other awards given on the night are:

Bee-ing Beaut Award! Awarded to the sporting house that has been awarded the most bee stamps for positive behaviours in the playground.

Citizenship Award:  This recognition is awarded to the students who has most consistently maintained the 4B rules, is concerned with the welfare of the other students in the school, and is an active member in school life.

Last reviewed 11 February 2020
Last updated 11 February 2020