Communication with Swayneville State School
At Swayneville State School various methods are used to communicate with the school community.
Newsletters are published weekly on a Wednesday. They are an important source of information about current and planned events. Newsletters are available through the school website (home page), are emailed or if preferred sent home with the eldest child of the family. Newsletters will often have attached other information that needs to go home. eg. invoices, bookclub etc.
Phone Calls
Teachers are not available to talk on the phone during class time, as teaching is their focus, but the office will take messages at any time and pass them on. This is a great way to let us know about illness, doctor appointments, travel arrangements etc. Teachers are also happy to ring parents to celebrate students successes or discuss issues.
Parent/teacher interviews are available on request. Teachers are happy to put aside to discuss your child’s progress, and to hear about your concerns, issues etc about your child. It is requested however, that parents make an appointment so that the teacher can dedicate the time and be prepared, without being distracted from their teaching responsibilities.
Report cards are issued at the end of each semester, on the last day of term.
Keep in Touch (KIT)
Keep in Touch (KIT) books are used as a communication tool between home and school for years P - 2. They enable a reliable home/school communication about learning progress, hiccups, successes and reminders.